Author Archives: Giovanni Arlotti

Wine world’s bid to boost production

Reports of a global wine shortage in the near future caused by demand outstripping supply provoked outcry earlier this year, even though numerous wine organisations subsequently dismissed the idea. The growing demand from emerging markets such as China and India, … Continue reading

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The OIV is looking for a Head of unit Viticulture

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2014 wine and spirits competitions in Europe

Date Event City Country 6-9 February Berliner wein trophy (1st behalf) Berlin Germany 15-16 February Chisinau wines & spirits contest 2014 Chisinau Moldova 1-5 March Vinalies internationales Paris France 3-5 March 14eme concours international du vin thessalonique Thessalonique Greece  14-18 … Continue reading

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Świąteczne kosze prezentowe z polskim winem

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą kosz prezentowych z polskim winem przygotowana przez naszego partnera “Wino Kultura”. ŚWIĄTECZNE KOSZE PREZENTOWE Z POLSKIM WINEM

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Significant wine production increase in 2013

On October 28th the Director General of the OIV, Federico Castellucci, presented the data available at this time of year concerning wine production. World wine production is rising considerably, taking into account the low vinified quantity produced in 2012 (258 … Continue reading

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Job offer for oenologists at OIV

The International Organisation of Vine and Wine is currently looking for an employee in charge of methods of analysis. The deadline for application is October 31st 2013. Go to the vacancy notice

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OIV Awards

Every year, the OIV Award Jury presents an Award to the best books published in the past two years, and which have been submitted by the authors or publishers. These awards are presented in one of the 10 categories specified … Continue reading

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