Author Archives: Giovanni Arlotti

Czejkowicka ścieżka winna – Wędrowanie po winnicach czejkowickich

10 – 12 kwietnia 2015 Ruszamy do winnic otaczających piękną wioskę winiarską Čejkovice. W winnicach będą na Was czekali winiarze z Czejkowic a Wy możecie spróbować ich win wprost w rozległych winnicach, w naturalnym środowisku, skąd wina te się wywodzą.

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The wine market: developments and trends

• World wine consumption dropped slightly in 2013 to 238.7 mhl • The United States became the biggest internal market in the world in terms of volume • Early estimates of the 2014 harvest: low wine production in the southern … Continue reading

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OIV Vine & Wine Outlook new edition

The OIV announced the release of the Vine & Wine outlook (2010-2011): a comprehensive perspective on the global, regional and country information on vines, grapes, dried grape wine and other vine products. The annual statistics report’s aim is to provide … Continue reading

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4th International Galician Wine Competition

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, This year, for the fourth time will take place the largest wine contest in Poland – Galicia Vitis in 2014. I have the honor to invite you to present your wines in this competition. All necessary … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

Dear followers, we would like to thank you for being with us in 2013 and we hope to see you in 2014 as well. We are glad that the Visegrad Wine Route website was viewed over 5000 times in 2013. … Continue reading

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OIV Awards 2013

At the OIV headquarters, in the presence of representatives from the Diplomatic Corps, H.E. Mr František Lipka, President of the OIV Award Jury, presented the winners for the year 2013 with the Awards and Special Mentions for the works selected … Continue reading

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Wine world’s bid to boost production

Reports of a global wine shortage in the near future caused by demand outstripping supply provoked outcry earlier this year, even though numerous wine organisations subsequently dismissed the idea. The growing demand from emerging markets such as China and India, … Continue reading

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